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HTML/HTML5 website creating using Jodd(java) framework

I've been reading about Jodd(java) framework and it looks interesting to me. But I see that it seems to be jsp/servlet based. Can you develop strictly html/html5 dynamic website without jsps with it?


  • Absolutely. As you can see, in Jodd Madvoc you have this concept of Result : each (java) action returns it. Results are the one that defines how you are going to render the page. By default, there are JSP results, as this is a standard, right; but nothing stops you to simply have a i.e. Freemarker result or to use any other template engine. People are doing this often. Moreover, Results are made to be configured. See:

    Result does not need only to return HTML content. There is a JsonResult for example, or RawResult that can return a JSON or any string.

    If you want REST-ish interface that only results with JSONs, you can do that as well, checkout:

    Madvoc should be configurable enough to fit your needs. Just don't think of it as a 'solution-in-a-box', but a real framework, that you need to dig just a little, but you will find what you need :)