So I want to insert a directive into the html page based on the translation that comes from angular-translate. Lets say I have these two directives:
.directive('englishText', function() {
return {
template: 'Hello'
.directive('spanishText', function() {
return {
template: 'Hola'
And I have these two json files from which will the translation come:
"LANGUAGE" : "english-text"
"LANGUAGE" : "spanish-text"
So on the html page I want to have something like that:
<div {{'LANGUAGE' | translate}}></div>
But as an output I jsut get this:
<div {{'language' | translate}}></div>
instead of
<div english-text>Hello</div>
I also tried this:
<{{'LANGUAGE' | translate></{{'LANGUAGE' | translate}}>
But I get this as an output
Which is interpreted just like an innerHTML and not like a tag...
If you insist on doing it the way you've asked this is the way to do it, the parent directive will $compile
a language based directive and replace the inner html to the new directive
.directive('languageDirective', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
link: linkFn,
scope: {
language: '@'
function linkFn(scope, element, attrs) {
function getTemplate() {
if(scope.language === 'english')
return '<div english-directive></div>'
return '<div other-directive></div>'