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Output of difflib.HTMLDiff.make_file() not rendered in browser

Using the two texts given by PyMOTW, difflib.HtmlDiff.make_file() is used to produce HTML output. Yet when saved and opened in a browser, the raw HTML is displayed rather than rendered as the expected table.

Is the output of make_file() malformed? See here.

Python 2.7


  • I am using python 3.5, and I am getting the html content as given in your link correctly rendered without any modification. You asked about make_table and make_file. This is from the link you have given:

    This example uses make_table(), which only returns the table tag containing the difference information. The make_file() method produces a fully-formed HTML file as output.

    So the output you have shown is from make_file(), not make_table().

    If you are using django (just a wild guess) try this:

    {% autoescape off %}
        {{ your_html_content }}
    {% endautoescape %}

    You can also do the same using safe:

    {{ your_table_content|safe }}

    From django docs:

    Marks a string as not requiring further HTML escaping prior to output. When autoescaping is off, this filter has no effect

    Read more here and here