I have several similar models ContactEmail, ContactLetter, etcetera.
Each one belongs_to
a Contact
Each contact belongs_to
a Company
So, what I did was create a virtual attribute for ContactEmail:
def company_name
contact = Contact.find_by_id(self.contact_id)
return contact.company_name
Question: How can I get an easy list of all company_name (without duplicates) if I have a set of ContactEmails objects (from a find(:all) method, for example)?
When I try to do a search on ContactEmail.company_name using the statistics gem, for example, I get an error saying that company_name is not a column for ContactEmail.
Assuming your ContactEmail
set is in @contact_emails
@contact_emails.collect { |contact_email| contact_email.company_name }.uniq
You don't need the virtual attribute for this purpose though. ActiveRecord sets up the relationship automatically based on the foreign key, so you could take the company_name
method out of the ContactEmail model and do:
@contact_emails.collect { |contact_email| contact_email.contact.company_name }.uniq
Performance could be a consideration for large sets, so you might need to use a more sophisticated SQL query if that's an issue.
EDIT to answer your 2nd question
If company_name
is a column, you can do:
ContactEmail.count(:all, :joins => :contact, :group => 'contact.company_name')
On a virtual attribute I think you'd have to retrieve the whole set and use Ruby (untested):
ContactEmail.find(:all, :joins => :contact, :select => 'contacts.company_name').group_by(&:company_name).inject({}) {|hash,result_set| hash.merge(result_set.first=>result_set.last.count)}
but that's not very kind to the next person assigned to maintain your system -- so you're better off working out the query syntax for the .count
version and referring to the column itself.