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Trying to perform addition of two fractional fixed_point operands in VERILOG, I'm stuck in this error

I'm trying to write a Verilog synthesizable program for adding two fractional fixed_point numbers. This is the test bench:

module sum_test;

// Inputs
reg [12:-20] oper1;
reg [12:-20] oper2;
reg cin;

// Outputs
wire [12:-20] sum_result;

// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
sum_fix uut (

initial begin
    // Initialize Inputs
    oper1 = 0;
    oper2 = 0;
    cin = 0;

    // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish

    // Add stimulus here
oper1 = 12.5;
oper2 = 5.4;


initial begin
    $monitor("oper1=%d,oper2=%d,sum_result=%d \n",oper1,oper2,sum_result);      



/// This is the addition module

module sum_fix(

input [12:-20] oper1,
input [12:-20] oper2,
input cin,
output [12:-20] sum_result

assign sum_result = oper1 + oper2 + cin;

Simulator print this,

oper1= 0,oper2= 0,sum_result= 0

oper1= 13,oper2= 5,sum_result= 18

It seems I'm not introducing the numbers correctly in the testbench or something, it might be that simulator can't work with this notation? BTW I made this module inspired in the book "Digital Design (Verilog)" of Ashenden. He speaks about this fixed-point fractional notation and even make an addition like me with the operator "+", so I don't know what's wrong, he didn't make test bench for this example, though. Thank you everybody, this forum rocks.


  • Try using :

    reg [32:0] oper1;
    reg [32:0] oper2;

    instead of :

    reg [12:-20] oper1;
    reg [12:-20] oper2;

    And stimulus is :

    oper1 = 12.5 * 2**20; //shift 20 binary places
    oper2 = 5.4  * 2**20;