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Draw dicom raw data in qt

I'm trying to develop a tool to visualize dicom images I'm using itk library but i have some problem drawing the data I'm using gdcm library provided by itk library as a third party lib.

I'm reading the image correctly i retrieved the tags ... but when i retrieve the pixels data using

unsigned short buffer* = ImageFileReader<Image<unsigned short,2>>->GetOutput()->getBufferPointer();

and i put it in QPixmap or QImage i tried both,Qpixelmap when i do loadData i get false as a return value and using QImage, the app crashes !

Any help ? thank you


  • Look at this example,

    Just use gdcm to read the image and convert it to qimage.

    Keep in mind that dicom images are not an image format that qt can draw, you need a conversion step.