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Recursion in JSF (c:forEach vs. ui:repeat)

I am trying to build a navigation tree via recursion in JSF. I have defined a navigationNode component as:

    <composite:attribute name="node" />

    <ui:repeat value="#{navigationTreeBean.getChildrenForNode(cc.attrs.node)}" var="child">
        <li><navigation:navigationNode node="#{child}" /></li>

My tree is declared as:

rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(new NodeData("Dashboard", "dashboard.xhtml"), true);
DefaultMutableTreeNode configurationsNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(new NodeData("Configurations", "configurations.xhtml"), true);

I call component by:

<nav:navigationNode node="#{rootNode}" />

The problem is, this results in StackOverflowError.

There are a few references to building recursion in JSF (for example, c:forEach vs ui:repeat in Facelets). The common problem seems to be mixing the build-time and render-time components/tags. In my case:

  • My composite component is actually a tag, which is executed when the tree is built
  • ui:repeat is an actual JSF component, which is evaluated when the tree is rendered

Is the child component navigation:navigationNode actually processed before the ui:repeat component? If so, what object is it using for #{child}? Is it null (doesn't seem so)? Is the problem here that the child component is actually created without even caring about the ui:repeat and so each time a new child component is created even though it is not necessarily wanted?

The c:forEach vs ui:repeat in Facelets article has a separate section for this (recursion). The suggestion is to to use c:forEach instead. I tried this, however it is still giving me the same StackOverflowError, with different trace that I cannot make sense of.

I know that we can also build components by extending UIComponent, but that approach (writing html in Java code) seems ugly. I would rather use MVC style / templates. However, if there are no other ways, do I have to implement this sort of recursion as UIComponent instead?


  • JSF's built-in declarative tags are ill-suited for handling this sort of recursion. JSF builds a stateful component tree that is persisted between requests. If the view is restored in a subsequent request, the view state may not reflect changes in the model.

    I would favour an imperative approach. You have two options as I see it:

    • Use the binding attribute to bind a control (e.g. some form of panel) to a backing bean that provides the UIComponent instance and its children - you write code to instantiate the UIComponent and add whatever children you want. See the spec for the binding attribute contract.
    • Write a custom control, implementing some of: a UIComponent; a Renderer; a tag handler; meta-data files (delete as appropriate - you do some or all of these depending on what you are doing and how and in which version of JSF).

    Perhaps another option is to pick up a 3rd party control that already does this.

    UPDATE: If one is using the very useful OmniFaces library (you should if you don't already), there is the <o:tree> which has no html generation whatsoever but was specifically designed to support usecases like this.

    <o:tree value="#{bean.treeModel}" var="item" varNode="node">
                        #{node.index} #{item.someProperty}
                        <o:treeInsertChildren />


    Here's a model-driven approach that doesn't involve writing custom components or backing-bean-generated component trees. It's kind of ugly.

    The Facelets view:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns=""
      <h:head><title>Facelet Tree</title></h:head>
          <ui:repeat value="#{tree.treeNodes}" var="node">
            <h:outputText rendered="#{node.firstChild}"
                    value="&lt;ul&gt;" escape="false" />
              <h:outputText value="#{node.value}" />
            <ui:repeat rendered="#{node.lastChild and empty}"
                value="#{node.lastChildLineage}" var="ignore">
                  value="&lt;/ul&gt;" escape="false" />

    The managed bean:

    @javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean(name = "tree")
    public class Tree {
      private Node<String> root = new Node(null, "JSF Stuff");
      public void initData() {
        root.getKids().add(new Node(root, "Chapter One"));
        root.getKids().add(new Node(root, "Chapter Two"));
        root.getKids().add(new Node(root, "Chapter Three"));
        Node<String> chapter2 = root.getKids().get(1);
        chapter2.getKids().add(new Node(chapter2, "Section A"));
        chapter2.getKids().add(new Node(chapter2, "Section B"));
      public List<Node<String>> getTreeNodes() {
        return walk(new ArrayList<Node<String>>(), root);
      private List<Node<String>> walk(List<Node<String>> list, Node<String> node) {
        for(Node<String> kid : node.getKids()) {
          walk(list, kid);
        return list;

    A tree node:

    public class Node<T> {
      private T value;
      private Node<T> parent;
      private LinkedList<Node<T>> kids = new LinkedList<>();
      public Node(Node<T> parent, T value) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.value = value;
      public List<Node<T>> getKids() {return kids;}
      public T getValue() { return value; }
      public boolean getHasParent() { return parent != null; }
      public boolean isFirstChild() {
        return parent != null && == this;
      public boolean isLastChild() {
        return parent != null && == this;
      public List<Node> getLastChildLineage() {
        Node node = this;
        List<Node> lineage = new ArrayList<>();
        while(node.isLastChild()) {
            node = node.parent;
        return lineage;


    *  JSF Stuff
          o Chapter One
          o Chapter Two
                + Section A
                + Section B 
          o Chapter Three 

    I would still bite the bullet and write a custom tree control.