I am a bit lost on what to keep in the state tree of Redux.
I saw two conflicting statements on what to store in the state tree(s).
The original list of products is passed in as props, so that's not state. The search text and the checkbox seem to be state since they change over time and can't be computed from anything. And finally, the filtered list of products isn't state because it can be computed by combining the original list of products with the search text and value of the checkbox.
For our todo app, we want to store two different things:
- The currently selected visibility filter;
- The actual list of todos.
You’ll often find that you need to store some data, as well as some UI state**, in the state tree. This is fine, but try to keep the data separate from the UI state.
So React tells that we should not store data (I am talking about data of the todos) and, for me, Redux tells the opposite.
In my understand I would tend on the React side because both React and Redux aims to predict a UI state by storing:
all what can't be computed (eg: all human inputs) and are part of the UI:
All minimal data that could be use to build a query and send it to the API/database that will return the complete user profil, friends lists, whatever...:
For me that excludes all database/API results because:
So what is your opinion here?
React documentation about the View Component state, but Redux documentation about the Application state. So, there is no conflicts between definitions.
If we talk about Redux - you make all your components without state (and transform stateless root component to stateful with help of react-redux's connect
function). If you have large response from the server and you show your data with pagination / filters, you can treat your application state as what you see on screen and not put all data in Redux store, only what you need to render
(for example, 100 rows to show page and total number of rows to show pagination). There is no restriction for this. The whole data you can put into another place. For example, in another data container in web-worker (I make a full request in web-worker and fetch from there only needed data to display).
Added after question edited:
The original list of products is passed in as props, so that's not state.
In that example, the reason why list of products isn't state - it's already in props
. It means that the one of parent components have this as state.