I have following chef recipe and I don't want to run template resource when it gets converged under chef solo. It does not seem to obey the not_if while running kitchen converge. It still tries to connect the chef server. Please help.
template '/etc/hosts' do
not_if Chef::Config[:solo]
source 'hosts.erb'
mode '0644'
owner 'root'
group 'root'
:nodes => search(:node, 'ipaddress:*')
<% @nodes.each do |n| -%>
<% if (n['fqdn'] && n['ipaddress']) -%>
<%= n['ipaddress'] %> <%= n['fqdn'] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
name: vagrant
name: chef_solo
- name: centos-6.7
Passing a normal value to not_if
means it gets interpreted as a command to run. What you want is the block form:
not_if { Chef::Config[:solo] }
That said, it isn't the problem. The deeper issue is that all values directly in the resource body get evaluated at compile time. You want to use the lazy
helper to delay evaluation so they only get used if the resource is actually run:
variables(lazy {
{:nodes => search(:node, 'ipaddress:*')}