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Luarock: Copying .lua files to a directory when make'ing

Following this example, I've just created a rockspec for a rock with just .lua files. I don't need to build anything, so I set the build option to

build = {
   type = "none",
   install = {
       lua = {

When I run luarocks make it works. However, I noticed that all the files are dumped into my /home/<username>/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/ directory. I'd like for them to be in ../share/lua/5.1/<package_name> directory. I tried doing something like

       lua = {
           ["<package_name>"] = "a.lua",


       lua = {
           ["<package_name>.<package_name>"] = "a.lua",

but neither method works.

Is there a way to put these files in a directory in the rockspec?


  • It's easy using the builtin build mode of rockspecs:

    -- ...
    build = {
       type = "builtin",
       modules = {
           ["mypackage.a"] = "a.lua",
           ["mypackage.b"] = "b.lua"

    This should install a.lua as .../share/lua/5.1/mypackage/a.lua and b.lua as .../share/lua/5.1/mypackage/b.lua, so that require("mypackage.a") (or require("mypackage.b")) just works.