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How to download a HTTP resource to a file with Akka Streams and HTTP?

Over the past few days I have been trying to figure out the best way to download a HTTP resource to a file using Akka Streams and HTTP.

Initially I started with the Future-Based Variant and that looked something like this:

def downloadViaFutures(uri: Uri, file: File): Future[Long] = {
  val request = Get(uri)
  val responseFuture = Http().singleRequest(request)
  responseFuture.flatMap { response =>
    val source = response.entity.dataBytes

That was kind of okay but once I learnt more about pure Akka Streams I wanted to try and use the Flow-Based Variant to create a stream starting from a Source[HttpRequest]. At first this completely stumped me until I stumbled upon the flatMapConcat flow transformation. This ended up a little more verbose:

def responseOrFail[T](in: (Try[HttpResponse], T)): (HttpResponse, T) = in match {
  case (responseTry, context) => (responseTry.get, context)

def responseToByteSource[T](in: (HttpResponse, T)): Source[ByteString, Any] = in match {
  case (response, _) => response.entity.dataBytes

def downloadViaFlow(uri: Uri, file: File): Future[Long] = {
  val request = Get(uri)
  val source = Source.single((request, ()))
  val requestResponseFlow = Http().superPool[Unit]()

Then I wanted to get a little tricky and use the Content-Disposition header.

Going back to the Future-Based Variant:

def destinationFile(downloadDir: File, response: HttpResponse): File = {
  val fileName = response.header[ContentDisposition].get.value
  val file = new File(downloadDir, fileName)

def downloadViaFutures2(uri: Uri, downloadDir: File): Future[Long] = {
  val request = Get(uri)
  val responseFuture = Http().singleRequest(request)
  responseFuture.flatMap { response =>
    val file = destinationFile(downloadDir, response)
    val source = response.entity.dataBytes

But now I have no idea how to do this with the Future-Based Variant. This is as far as I got:

def responseToByteSourceWithDest[T](in: (HttpResponse, T), downloadDir: File): Source[(ByteString, File), Any] = in match {
  case (response, _) =>
    val source = responseToByteSource(in)
    val file = destinationFile(downloadDir, response), file))

def downloadViaFlow2(uri: Uri, downloadDir: File): Future[Long] = {
  val request = Get(uri)
  val source = Source.single((request, ()))
  val requestResponseFlow = Http().superPool[Unit]()
  val sourceWithDest: Source[(ByteString, File), Unit] = source.
    flatMapConcat(responseToByteSourceWithDest(_, downloadDir))

So now I have a Source that will emit one or more (ByteString, File) elements for each File (I say each File since there is no reason the original Source has to be a single HttpRequest).

Is there anyway to take these and route them to a dynamic Sink?

I'm thinking something like flatMapConcat, such as:

def runWithMap[T, Mat2](f: T => Graph[SinkShape[Out], Mat2])(implicit materializer: Materializer): Mat2 = ???

So that I could complete downloadViaFlow2 with:

def destToSink(destination: File): Sink[(ByteString, File), Future[Long]] = {
  val sink = FileIO.toFile(destination, true)
  Flow[(ByteString, File)].map(_._1).toMat(sink)(Keep.right)
sourceWithDest.runWithMap {
  case (_, file) => destToSink(file)


  • The solution does not require a flatMapConcat. If you don't need any return values from the file writing then you can use Sink.foreach:

    def writeFile(downloadDir : File)(httpResponse : HttpResponse) : Future[Long] = {
      val file = destinationFile(downloadDir, httpResponse)
    def downloadViaFlow2(uri: Uri, downloadDir: File) : Future[Unit] = {
      val request = HttpRequest(uri=uri)
      val source = Source.single((request, ()))
      val requestResponseFlow = Http().superPool[Unit]()

    Note that the Sink.foreach creates Futures from the writeFile function. Therefore there's not much back-pressure involved. The writeFile could be slowed down by the hard drive but the stream would keep generating Futures. To control this you can use Flow.mapAsyncUnordered (or Flow.mapAsync) :

    val parallelism = 10

    If you want to accumulate the Long values for a total count you need to combine with a Sink.fold:

          .runWith(Sink.fold(0L)(_ + _))

    The fold will keep a running sum and emit the final value when the source of requests has dried up.