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Error loading property file (plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.4:war:default-war:package)

I would like to configure a properties files depending on a profile, either dev or prod, however the location of the properties file is not correctly constructed. I have found answers to similar issues on SO but none of the those answers have helped resolve this issue.

The error I receive is as follows:

Error loading property file 'E:\Development\CodeSource\GitHub\myproject\profiles\dev\' (org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.4:war:default-war:package)

The actual location of the properties file is:


So I set the resources location as follows:


Nevertheless it still does not find the properties file.

Here is the entire pom file:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


<description>Site Description</description>


    // various dependencies




I am using Eclipse.


  • The path to the filter files is relative to the project root, not to src/main/resources. As such, you need to configure it like so:
