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add a bar Highcharts series

I want to add another bar to a category. for example I want to put another bar in Category 1 keeping my structure. but I'm adding data without an array. I do not want to use this structure for example.

         series: [{
          name: 'bar1',
          data: [1000, 950, 920, 0, 850],
          color: "#FF0000"
          }, {
         name: 'bar2',
         data: [800, 770, 750, 0, 730],
         color: "#000000"

         }, {
         name: 'bar3',
         data: [600, 540, 535, 500, 30],
         color: "#00FF00"


I must use this:

        series: [{
         "data": [{
            "name": "number1",
            "y": 10,
            "color": "#FF0000"
        }, {
            "name": "number2",
            "y": 42,
            "color": "#FFFF00"

        }, {
            "name": "number3",
            "y": 60

enter image description here

I do it because I want to customize the name of each bar. but I do not know    how to put another bar in the same category as show in the picture this is my file...

enter image description here

I want every bar is assigned a different name and can put it in the same category. so far as I have my exampe I can only have one bar by category. I need to put n bars in a bar every category but still retains its different name.


  • Solution is to use multiple series, like here:

      chart: {
        type: 'bar',
      xAxis: {
        categories: ['Cat 1', 'Cat 2', 'Cat 3']
      plotOptions: {
        series: {
          dataLabels: {
            enabled: true,
            format: '{}'
      series: [{
        data: [{
          y: 10,
          x: 0,
          name: 'Bar 1'
        }, {
          y: 10,
          x: 1,
          name: 'Bar 2'
        }, {
          y: 10,
          x: 2,
          name: 'Bar 3'
      }, {
        data: [{
          y: 20,
          x: 0,
          name: 'Bar X'
        }, {
          y: 20,
          x: 1,
          name: 'Bar Y'
        }, {
          y: 20,
          x: 2,
          name: 'Bar Z'