I have the following Domain class with derived property lowercaseTag
class Hashtag {
String tag
String lowercaseTag
static mapping = {
lowercaseTag formula: 'lower(tag)'
If I run the following unit test, it will fail on the last line, because lowercaseTag
property is null
and by default all properties have nullable: false
class HashtagSpec extends Specification {
void "Test that hashtag can not be null"() {
when: 'the hashtag is null'
def p = new Hashtag(tag: null)
then: 'validation should fail'
when: 'the hashtag is not null'
p = new Hashtag(tag: 'notNullHashtag')
then: 'validation should pass'
The question is how to properly write unit tests in such cases? Thanks!
As I'm sure you've figured out, the lowercaseTag
cannot be tested because it's database dependent; Grails unit tests do not use a database, so the formula/expression is not evaluated.
I think the best option is to modify the constraints so that lowercaseTag
is nullable.
class Hashtag {
String tag
String lowercaseTag
static mapping = {
lowercaseTag formula: 'lower(tag)'
static constraints = {
lowercaseTag nullable: true
Otherwise, you'll have to modify the test to force lowercaseTag
to contain some value so that validate()
p = new Hashtag(tag: 'notNullHashtag', lowercaseTag: 'foo')