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Mocking Django Storages Model ImageField backend S3

I have a model with an ImageField that is backed by django-storages' S3Boto. I have a test the exercises the "upload image" view, but the fact that it is uploading the image to S3 is slowing down my test suite.

In the interest of speeding up my tests, what is the best practice for dealing with this issue? Should I mock out S3Boto? Perhaps there is a memory backed storage backend that works well for testing (automatic cleanup would be nice!)?


  • I just had this problem too. I got much faster tests by using dj-inmemorystorage.

    The quick way of setting this up is by creating a in the same folder as your settings:

    from settings import *
    DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'inmemorystorage.InMemoryStorage'

    ...and calling ./ test --settings=project.test_settings to run the tests.

    My preferred way is to set up a custom test runner:

    In project/

    from django.conf import settings
    from django.test.runner import DiscoverRunner
    class FastTestRunner(DiscoverRunner):
        def setup_test_environment(self):
            super(FastTestRunner, self).setup_test_environment()
            # Don't write files
            settings.DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'inmemorystorage.InMemoryStorage'
            # Bonus: Use a faster password hasher. This REALLY helps.
            settings.PASSWORD_HASHERS = (

    Note: This also sets the PASSWORD_HASHER, because it significantly improves User creation time. This should NOT be set in production.

    In project/

    TEST_RUNNER = 'project.test_runner.FastTestRunner'

    The requirements:

    pip install dj-inmemorystorage

    UPDATE: changed from django-inmemorystorage to dj-inmemorystorage.

    UPDATE 2: Removed django-discover-runner, as it's now the default test runner in django, and fixed the link to the PASSWORD_HASHER related blog post.