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Ios devices, "required" field and thank you message

I would like to merge two JavaScripts. The first one is using ajax to send message and the second one to alert user about required field in the contact form.

I want to merge this two, maybe with an IF statement, so first to check all fields and then to send message.

1 with ajax JavaScript:

    $('document').ready(function () {
    $('form#contact-form').submit(function () {
        var form = $(this);
        var post_data = form.serialize(); //Serialized the form data for process.php
        $('#loader').html('<img src="../spinner.gif" /> Please Wait...');

        form.fadeOut(500, function () {
            form.html("<h3>Thank you.").fadeIn();

        // Normally would use this
            type: 'POST',
            url: 'process.php', // Your form script
            data: post_data,
            success: function(msg) {
                form.fadeOut(500, function(){

        return false;

2 alert JavaScript:

 $('document').ready(function () {
    $('form#contact-form').submit(function(e) {

        var ref = $(this).find("[required]");

            if ( $(this).val() == '' )
                alert("Required field should not be blank.");


                return false;
        });  return true;

From the answer below i have create the following code.

I made this link if someone wants to help. The alert works fine but the code not stop. It continue to load the rest code.


  • You can do this by the following code.

    function checkValidation() {
            var ref = $(this).find("[required]");
                if ( $(this).val() == '' )
                    alert("Required field should not be blank.");
                    return false;
            return true;
    $('document').ready(function () {
        $('form#contact-form').submit(function () {
            if(!checkValidation()) {
                return false;
            var form = $(this);
            var post_data = form.serialize(); //Serialized the form data for process.php
            $('#loader').html('<img src="../spinner.gif" /> Please Wait...');
            form.fadeOut(500, function () {
                form.html("<h3>Thank you.").fadeIn();
            // Normally would use this
                type: 'POST',
                url: 'process.php', // Your form script
                data: post_data,
                success: function(msg) {
                    form.fadeOut(500, function(){
            return false;

    But I give you a suggestion to use jquery.validate plugin which is better option. But if you still want to do like this, go ahead this is also works fine.