I am trying to build a HMAC SHA256 string in Javascript using CryptoJS, my existing code is written in PHP using the Akamai library.
In some cases I am getting different results compared to PHP & I am unable to understand why it is giving me different results
<php> Using native hash_hmac
Generating key by concatenating char
$signature1 = hash_hmac('SHA256', "st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", chr(63));
$signature2 = hash_hmac('SHA256', "st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", chr(63) . chr(23));
$signature3 = hash_hmac('SHA256', "st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", chr(63) . chr(23) . chr(253));
here is result from php
signature1 : 3e086bb48ab9aafa85661f9ce1b7dac49befddf117ce2a42d93c92b6abe513ce ( matched: same as JavaScript)
signature2 : 3667dd414a50f68f7ce083e540f27f68f7d0f18617b1fb1e4788bffeaeab59f6( matched: same as JavaScript)
signature3 : dd5a20041661046fdee871c8b9e77b3190fbbf85937c098090a1d524719b6aa9 ( not matched: diff from JavaScript)
<JavaScript> using CryptoJS
Generating key by concatenating three char
var signature1 = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256("st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", String.fromCharCode(63));
var signature2 = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256("st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", String.fromCharCode(63) + String.fromCharCode(23));
var signature3 = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256("st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", String.fromCharCode(63) + String.fromCharCode(23) + String.fromCharCode(253));
here is result from JavaScript
signature1 : 3e086bb48ab9aafa85661f9ce1b7dac49befddf117ce2a42d93c92b6abe513ce ( matched: same as php)
signature2 : 3667dd414a50f68f7ce083e540f27f68f7d0f18617b1fb1e4788bffeaeab59f6 ( matched: same as php)
signature3 : 28075dc75de9f22f83e87772f09a89efb007f2e298167686832eff122ef6eb08 ( not matched: diff from php)
First two HMAC values are matching but when I append the third char it produces different results, Can anyone please explain why this is.
CryptoJS add UTF8 encoding in "Key" while creating hash sha256 so that we are getting different value.
If i wrap utf8_encode in PHP side then we will get same hmac value as compare to JavaScript
// <php>
$key = chr(63) . chr(23) . chr(253);
signature3 = hash_hmac('SHA256', "st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", utf8_encode($key));