My custom component 'autocomplete-input' should provide an autocomplete functionality. I am using the 'list' attribute of 'paper-input'. The value of the 'list' attribute has to be the 'id' of a 'datalist'.
This works fine, as long as I instantiate only one 'autocomplete-input' element. If there are multiple instances of the 'autocomplete-input' element, they all show the same autocomplete proposals. I guess this is because the 'list' attribute does not use the local DOM and therefore uses the first 'datalist' with that particular 'id'. How can I avoid this?
The 'autocomplete-input' element:
<dom-module id="autocomplete-input">
<datalist id="autocomplete">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{proposals}}">
<option data-value$="{{item.value}}">{{item.content}}</option>
<paper-input id="input" list="autocomplete" label="{{header}}" value="{{content::input}}"></paper-input>
is: 'autocomplete-input',
properties: {
header: String,
content: String,
proposals: Array
Use a global counter and add it to your id
<dom-module id="autocomplete-input">
<datalist id$="[[autocompleteId]]">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{proposals}}">
<option data-value$="{{item.value}}">{{item.content}}</option>
<paper-input id="input" list$="[[autocompleteId]]" label="{{header}}" value="{{content::input}}"></paper-input>
is: 'autocomplete-input',
properties: {
header: String,
content: String,
proposals: Array,
autoCompleteId: function() {
return this.autocompleteId = this.autocompleteId || ++globalId;
// see linke below to figure out how to use globals
See Polymer 1.0 Global Variables for more details about globals in Polymer (My JS isn't good enough because I use Polymer only from Dart)