I am trying to follow the angular 2 setup guide and am having issues. I am using browsersync and I cannot seem to figure out how to get this code to work.
.then(null, console.error.bind(console));
The application cannot find /app/boot.js because I am serving up the application using a gulp build process. I cannot access any directories with my "gulp serve" build process, and browser sync is being used. How can I go about using SystemJS in combination with browser sync so that it can find my boot.js file?
Sorry if this is a easy question. I am new to this kind of build process and normally it would be straightforward to just include the file. Thanks.
Well you are not posting you code from where we detect the whats error is in your code. but yes gulp with browsersync is a very good combination to make our project run smoothly. i think you are not importing your bootstrap file properly that's may be the error.
still me to used same project setup for my project. i used gulp task with the browsersync in the angular2 you can refer to my repository for the help. this repo may help you to figure out whats the error