Im trying to figure out how to get all users and their Roles into a nice organized table, seen many different ways to go, but none has worked for me. i have gotten abit on the way atleast... anyone that can help me out?
With this code i get all the roles:
var context = new ApplicationDbContext();
var roleStore = new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(context);
var roleManager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(roleStore);
var roles = (from r in roleManager.Roles select r.Name).ToList();
ViewBag.Roles = roles.ToList();
and with this code i get all the registered users:
var context = new ApplicationDbContext();
var userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context);
var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(userStore);
var users = (from u in userManager.Users select u.UserName).ToList();
ViewBag.Users = users.ToList();
and finally with this code i get all the users id's
var context = new ApplicationDbContext();
var user = (from u in userManager.Users select u.Id).ToList(); = user.ToList();
But how do i get All the users with their roles? i really cant figure it out
Here's one option to get a list of users (with username) and list of associated roles.
public ActionResult GetRoles()
var userRoles = new List<RolesViewModel>();
var context = new ApplicationDbContext();
var userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context);
var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(userStore);
//Get all the usernames
foreach (var user in userStore.Users)
var r = new RolesViewModel
UserName = user.UserName
//Get all the Roles for our users
foreach (var user in userRoles)
user.RoleNames = userManager.GetRoles(userStore.Users.First(s=>s.UserName==user.UserName).Id);
return View(userRoles);
public class RolesViewModel
public IEnumerable<string> RoleNames { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
View: Simple one
@model IEnumerable<StackOverflow.Models.RolesViewModel>
@foreach (var user in Model.ToList())
<div> @user.UserName -- </div>
foreach (var role in user.RoleNames)
<div> @role </div>
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