I am running a load test by using a jmeter script in non gui mode.
I use the following command to run the JMeter in non gui mode and result is stored in a file Test.jtl
sh jmeter.sh -n -t ThreadGroup.jmx -l Test.jtl
Sample data written to Test.jtl is as below and there it does not print response data. Is there a way to get printed the response data as well may be by altering jmeter script or above command?
Any help would be appreciated.
1453272193899,231,HTTP Request-staging-qqq-customer1,200,OK,Thread Group two 1-6,text,true,466,231
1453272193927,227,HTTP Request-staging-TT2-customer1,503,Service Unavailable,Thread Group two 1-1,text,false,751,227
1453272193963,222,HTTP Request-staging-TT2-customer1,503,Service Unavailable,Thread Group two 1-2,text,false,604,222
1453272194026,238,HTTP Request-staging-TT1-customer1,200,OK,Thread Group two 1-3,text,true,448,238
1453272194131,233,HTTP Request-staging-qqq-customer2,200,OK,Thread Group two 1-6,text,true,466,233
By default JMeter does not store response data as:
You can still configure JMeter to store response data, but keep in mind above constraints. In order to do so pass the following extra command line arguments:
sh jmeter.sh -Jjmeter.save.saveservice.output_format=xml -Jjmeter.save.saveservice.response_data=true -n -t ThreadGroup.jmx -l Test.jtl
another option is adding next 2 lines to user.properties file (located in /bin folder of your JMeter installation)
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on JMeter properties and ways of working with them