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jazzy spell check showing correctly spelled words as misspelled

I have implemented the jazzy spell checker in my project, and it's working but I am getting way to many false negatives; words that are spelled correctly showing as misspelled.

I build my dictionary object as follows:

public SpellDictionaryHashMap getTempDictMap(){
        //String sDictionaryPath =     "C:/jason/code/libraries/jazzy/dictionary/eng_com.dic";
        String sDictionaryPath =     "C:/jason/code/libraries/jazzy/dictionary/English (USA).dic";
        String sPhoneticPath = "C:/jason/code/libraries/jazzy/dictionary/phonet.en";

    SpellDictionaryHashMap dictionary = null;
    try {
        dictionary = new SpellDictionaryHashMap(new File(sDictionaryPath), new File(sPhoneticPath));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return dictionary;

I have hunted around for different dictionaries, I gather jazzy likes the one word per line format. I have tried eng_com.dic that came with the jazzy download, and hunted around for some others.

It also appears that some of the supposedly misspelled words are in the dictionary...Not sure what the issue is.

Some examples of words that should not be listed as misspelled are:

INFO  SpellCheckProcess - word : determination
INFO  SpellCheckProcess - word : graduate
INFO  SpellCheckProcess - word : based
INFO  SpellCheckProcess - word : completed

Is it simply a matter of finding a good dictionary? Or getting several and then adding the words after initially creating the object?

I also have a bunch of dictionaries where the words run-in together. I think those are the aspell dictionaries? (downloaded this stuff awhile ago) And those will not work with jazzy?

anyone run across this issue before and have a good way to deal with it?

thanks, bp


  • was not an issue with the spell checker. As per comments above, chars in words such as:


    are tripping up the spell checker