When I try to set 31 bit 0 | 1 << 31
I get the following result:
console.log(0 | 1 << 31); // -2147483648
Which is actualy:
console.log((-2147483648).toString(2)) // -10000000000000000000000000000000
Is it correct to set 31 bit or should I restrict to 30
to prevent negative values?
Refer to ECMA5
that the bitwise operators and shift operators operate on 32-bit ints, so in that case, the max safe integer is 2^31-1, or 2147483647.
Here is one explanation.
operator is defined as working on signed32-bit
integers (converted from the native Number storage of double-precision float). So1<<31
must result in a negative number.The only JavaScript operator that works using unsigned
integers is>>>
. You can exploit this to convert a signed-integer-in-Number you've been working on with the other bitwise operators to an unsigned-integer-in-Number: