I'm little bit confuced about a proper way to set bits in bitmask. I have the following function and flags:
var userBmask = 0;
setBit: function (bit) {
userBmask |= 1 << bit; // 10
Let's say I want to set bit for email confirmation:
After the line above my userBmask
is: 10
. But I'm not sure this is correct because actualy I set second bit instead first. Should I rewrite setBit
function to the folowing to set bits from most right bit?:
setBit: function (bit) {
userBmask |= 1 << bit - 1; // 01
Now after setBit(EMAIL_CONFIRMED)
I get result 01
EDIT: Thanks for your answers. Please look at the following. Becase I'm using javascript that is 32bit I can have bitmask with `0...31 bits. But if I try to set the last available bit (with is 31) I get negative number:
const NEXT_BIT = 31;
setBit(NEXT_BIT); // userBmask now is -10000000000000000000000000000000
Is it expected behavior and could be result of possible bugs?
I think you are assuming that the lowest value bit is "bit one", this is actually not correct.
Consider "powers of two" which is the basis of binary numbers...
2^0 == 1 //first bit is "bit zero"
2^1 == 2 //second bit is "bit one"
2^2 == 4 //third bit is "bit two"
2^3 == 8 //fourth bit is "bit three"
//and so on
If you shift 1 left by 1 then you go from 2^0 to 2^1. So binary 10 is decimal 2.
If you want to set the lowest bit in userBmask when you pass 1 to your function then yes you'll have to subtract 1 from bit before you do the shift.