Search code examples

Retrieving feeds (uploads) for YouTube user

Sometimes last year I could retrieve (publicly accessible) video feeds for a YouTube user by simply appending/uploads?alt=rss. e.g. gave But this service is no longer available.

Now the recommended way, I guess, is to use GData library. However, using this service is giving me exception:

        YouTubeService service = new YouTubeService("service"); 
        ArrayList<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>();
        VideoFeed videoFeed = service.getFeed(new URL(''), VideoFeed.class);
        for (VideoEntry videoEntry : videoFeed.getEntries() ) {
            urls.add( videoEntry.getHtmlLink().getHref() );

This gives: No longer available
        <errors xmlns=''><error><domain>GData</domain><code>NoLongerAvailableException</code><internalReason>No longer available</internalReason></error></errors>

Where am I going wrong?



  • That was way harder than I expected!

    The crux is that you need a YouTube Developer API Key now. You can get your key at:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Once I created an app and got my key, I tinkered around with the new V3 API found here:

    And I was able to build a URL that seems to work... You may need to research and refine it a little more. Here's what I tried (replace MYAPIKEYHERE with your key):

    And here's what it returned:

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        "title": "Turkana woman breastfeeds orphaned goat",
        "description": " A woman in Turkana has been taking care of an orphaned she goat for five months in an unorthodox manner. The woman rescued the kid ...",
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        "description": "Vera Sidika tells Larry Madowo about her skin lightening procedure, what she does for a living and her expensive lifestyle For more news visit ...",
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        "title": "Kenyan Spirit: Kenyan athlete gave up winning to help colleague",
        "description": " And now to a story about selflessness and sacrifice and its about a Kenyan athlete. A picture they say is worth a thousand words and when a ...",
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        "description": "Religion has and will always be an emotive subject to many Kenyans. The constitution guarantees freedom of worship, but some are taking advantage of the ...",
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        "description": " Hundreds of women activists in Uganda stripped to protest the arrest of a fellow activist. The women accused the police of mishandling the ...",
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