Search code examples

elasticsearch bulk queue size

I'm monitoring the elasticsearch cluster while bulk importing data.

So when I run curl localhost:9200/_cat/thread_pool?v

it shows:

host            ip  bulk.queue bulk.rejected index.queue index.rejected search.queue search.rejected 
xye@OptiPlex            8          6             0            0           0              0             0            0               0

I'm current running 5 scripts concurrently to import the data and the bulk size is 500 and I also increased the bulk queue size too 300.

So I'm wondering what bulk.queue 6 means. Is it just 6 documents in one bulk operation or it is actually 6 bulk requests which is 6 * 500 = 3000 documents?


  • bulk.queue represents the number of bulk requests in the queue and not the number of documents. index.queue would represent the number of documents to be indexed present in the index queue.