I am using the following code to check for network access in the start of my application
public async void CheckNetwork()
if (!NetworkAvailabilty.Instance.IsNetworkAvailable)
MessageDialog Message = new MessageDialog("Network access not available.", "Network Error");
Message.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Close"));
await Message.ShowAsync();
This works as expected in Windows 10 desktop. But when I am running the app in my Phone, it fails to close the app. What could be the reason for this and how to force close my app ?
As a design principle, you are not supposed to manually close an app. Please refer to this link (adressed to WP8 developers, but is still valid). But, if you are working on a test app for yourself, you can throw an exception which is the only way possible to close the app.
throw new Exception();
Please don't do that if you aim to publish your app on the market :
An unhandled exception in your app consumes resources unnecessarily both on the user’s phone and on the Windows Phone servers. The phone generates and uploads crash dumps for unhandled exceptions to help you find and fix bugs in your code. Crashing your app to close it wastes the user’s battery power and network bandwidth.