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Salesforce error "returnFieldData Types invalid at this location" using Eclipse

Hi I am new to Salesforce and Apex programming. I have installed eclipse with salesforce IDE. But it gives me following error (in image) when I try to create a new project using (click here to see error screen)

Error returned: Unable to fetch organization details for 'username' Element {}returnFieldData Types invalid at this location


  • I am signed up on a free login
  • I have generated new Security token and am surely using the latest
  • I am adding correct credentials because when I deliberately enter wrong info it gives me username/password type of error
  • I have tried changing different environments when creating new project
  • Using Eclipse 4.5.1
  • Salesforce 16
  • Profile is "System Administrator"

Please help, thank you!


  • I checked my dev sandbox - it runs Winter '16, which is v.35. I assume, your version of plugin is v.36. Try to uninstall it and install v.35. It might be because of versions incapability.