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Distinct cumulative count - PowerPivot, calculated fields and DAX

I have struggled with this problem: Pivot chart cumulative (running in) distinct count

I am copying it here for convenience...

The idea was to create a cumulative distinct count using this data set:

Month ¦ Drink brand ¦ Drink type
1     ¦ Abc         ¦ Water
1     ¦ Def         ¦ Soft
1     ¦ Abc         ¦ Water
1     ¦ Ghi         ¦ Soft
1     ¦ Xyz         ¦ Water
2     ¦ Abc         ¦ Water
2     ¦ Abc         ¦ Water
2     ¦ Jkl         ¦ Soft
2     ¦ Opq         ¦ Soft
2     ¦ Abc         ¦ Water

And the required chart:

Drink      ¦
type       ¦            S
cumulative ¦            []
unique     ¦ W  S    W  []
count      ¦ [] []   [] []
               1       2

I have managed to solve the problem by using PowerPivot and DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) by creating two calculated fields. For "Water" it has been:

    DISTINCTCOUNT( Range[Drink brand] ),
    FILTER (
        ALL ( Range[Month] ),
        Range[Month] <= MAX ( Range[Month] )
    FILTER (
        ALL ( Range[Drink type] ),
        Range[Drink type] = "Water"

The problem I have with this solution is its low scallability (the need to create as many new calculated fields as there are "Drink types"). Is there a way to create the same result using DAX with just one calculated field or similar freature? Is is possible to group the result by "Drink type" in just one expression?


  • No need to create a filter in the measure for [Drink Type]. Just make your chart a clustered column / bar, and use both [Month] and [Drink Type] as axis labels. Pivot charts can easily handle multiple labels that will nest appropriately.


    Here's the pivot for a stacked column:

    enter image description here