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How can I prevent photoswipe to unbind my scroll event?

[situation] I have problems about photoswipe close. I have a html page A using Photoswipe for a photo view. I have defined a scroll event in page A. When I open and then close photoswipe and go back to my page A, the scroll event is not working any more.

My scroll event:

  if ((getDocumentHeight() - getWindowHeight() - getSrollHeight()) == 0) {

I noticed photoswipe's close and destory method call _unbindEvents methods, which executes the unbind function.

// Closes the gallery, then destroy it
close: function() {
    if(!_isOpen) {

    _isOpen = false;
    _isDestroying = true;

    _showOrHide( self.currItem, null, true, self.destroy);
// destroys gallery (unbinds events, cleans up intervals and timeouts to avoid memory leaks)
destroy: function() {

    if(_showOrHideTimeout) {

    template.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
    template.className = _initalClassName;

    if(_updateSizeInterval) {

    framework.unbind(self.scrollWrap, _downEvents, self);

    // we unbind lost event at the end, as closing animation may depend on it
    framework.unbind(window, 'scroll', self);



    _listeners = null;
_unbindEvents = function() {
    framework.unbind(window, 'resize', self);
    framework.unbind(window, 'scroll', _globalEventHandlers.scroll);
    framework.unbind(document, 'keydown', self);
    framework.unbind(document, 'mousemove', _onFirstMouseMove);

    if(_features.transform) {
        framework.unbind(self.scrollWrap, 'click', self);

    if(_isDragging) {
        framework.unbind(window, _upMoveEvents, self);


[question] How can I prevent photoswipe to unbind my scroll event?


  • I have fixed this problem.


    instead of


    It's working.