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Using f:param inside o:graphicImage

The following used to work with p:graphicImage but not with o:graphicImage.

Problem: data_id is always null.


<p:dataScroller var="data"...
  <p:graphicImage  value="#{bean.imagel}" >
      <f:param name="data_id" value="#{data._id}" />


public InputStream getImage(){

    String dataId = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()

I also tried with o:param with the same result. What am I missing?


  • The <f:param> inside <p:graphicImage> is a PrimeFaces-specific trick to get the StreamedContent thing to work "as expected".

    The <o:graphicImage> doesn't support it (neither does standard <h:graphicImage>). Just pass it as EL method argument the usual way. It ends up in more clean code.

    <o:graphicImage value="#{bean.getImage(}" />

    public InputStream getImage(Long dataId) {
        // ...

    See also code examples in documentation.