When I use below query, it gets result perfectly. But it is case-sensitive. Here is my codes:
IQueryable<article> results;
if (rrbAuthor.IsChecked)
results = (from a in _db.articles join k in _db.keywords on a.id equals k.aid where a.author.Contains(textBox1.Text) select a).Distinct();
else if (rrbKeywords.IsChecked)
results = (from a in _db.articles join k in _db.keywords on a.id equals k.aid where k.word.Contains(textBox1.Text) select a).Distinct();
results = (from a in _db.articles join k in _db.keywords on a.id equals k.aid where a.title.Contains(textBox1.Text) select a).Distinct();
ListArticles(results, 1);
How can I manage to get results in in-sensitive case?
You can transform string into lower case, using ToLower()
method and then do comparison
You can also use null propagation in oder to avoid NullReference
Exception in case some of the stirngs
is null.
Try following
IQueryable<article> results;
if (rrbAuthor.IsChecked)
results = (from a in _db.articles join k in _db.keywords on a.id equals k.aid
where a.author?.ToLower().Contains(textBox1.Text?.ToLower()) == true
select a).Distinct();
else if (rrbKeywords.IsChecked)
results = (from a in _db.articles join k in _db.keywords on a.id equals k.aid
where k.word?.ToLower().Contains(textBox1.Text?.ToLower()) == true
select a).Distinct();
results = (from a in _db.articles join k in _db.keywords on a.id equals k.aid
where a.title?.ToLower().Contains(textBox1.Text?.ToLower()) == true
select a).Distinct();
ListArticles(results, 1);