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Praat script to extract one value from voice report

I have a praat script in which a pitch object and a point process are created for an object. Then combining these 2 with my initial object returns me the voice report. I want to extract only the values of some fields and save them in a file, but I cannot find a way. Is it possible or should I just produce the report and then write a script in another programming language to extract them?

My script looks like that and I plan to put it in a for loop to run for multiple objects.

sound = selectObject: 1
pitch = To Pitch (cc)... 0.01 50 15 no 0.03 0.45 0.01 0.35 0.14 300
plus sound
pulses = To PointProcess (cc)
plus sound
plus pitch
voiceReport$ = Voice report... 0 0 50 300 1.3 1.6 0.03 0.45


  • Use the extractWord$(), extractLine$(), and extractNumber() string functions.

    Respectively, they extract from a string (in this case, voiceReport$) the word, line, or number that follows a specified string. You can use that specified string to identify the field in the voice report that you want.

    Here's an example:

    synth = Create SpeechSynthesizer: "English", "default"
    sound = To Sound: "This is some text.", "no"
    pitch = To Pitch (cc)... 0.01 50 15 no 0.03 0.45 0.01 0.35 0.14 300
    selectObject: sound, pitch
    pulses = To PointProcess (cc)
    selectObject: sound, pulses, pitch
    voiceReport$ = Voice report... 0 0 50 300 1.3 1.6 0.03 0.45
    total_pulses = extractNumber(voiceReport$, "Number of pulses:")
    writeInfoLine: "Found ", total_pulses, " pulses"
    removeObject: synth, sound, pitch, pulses