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Why is JsonHttpContent's output empty?

I am using Google Http Client library (1.20) on Google App Engine (1.9.30) to submit a POST request to Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) servers. Here's the code:

public static HttpRequestFactory getGcmRequestFactory() {
    if (null == gcmFactory) {
        gcmFactory = (new UrlFetchTransport())
                .createRequestFactory(new HttpRequestInitializer() {
                    public void initialize(HttpRequest request) throws IOException {
                                "key=" + Config.get(Config.Keys.GCM_SERVER_API_KEY).orNull());
    return gcmFactory;

public static JsonFactory getJsonFactory() {
    return jacksonFactory;

public static String sendGcmMessage(GcmDownstreamDto message) {
    HttpRequestFactory factory = getGcmRequestFactory();
    JsonHttpContent content = new JsonHttpContent(getJsonFactory(), message);
    String response = EMPTY;
    try {
        HttpRequest req = factory.buildPostRequest(gcmDownstreamUrl, content);"req headers = " + req.getHeaders());
        System.out.print("req content = ");
        content.writeTo(System.out); // prints out "{}"
        HttpResponse res = req.execute(); // IOException here
        response = IOUtils.toString(res.getContent());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.log(Level.WARNING, "IOException...", e);
    return response;

Now the content.writeTo() always prints out empty JSON. Why is that? What am I doing wrong? The GcmDownstreamDto class (using Lombok to generate getters and setters):

@Accessors(chain = true)
public class GcmDownstreamDto {

    private String to;

    private Object data;

    private List<String> registration_ids;

    private GcmNotificationDto notification;

    public GcmDownstreamDto addRegistrationId(String regId) {
        if (null == this.registration_ids) {
            this.registration_ids = new ArrayList<>();
        if (isNotBlank(regId)) {
        return this;

The immediate goal is to generate the same response as (from Checking the validity of an API key):


curl --header "Authorization: key=$api_key" \
       --header Content-Type:"application/json" \ \
       -d "{\"registration_ids\":[\"ABC\"]}"


I've already tested using curl so I know the API key is valid, I just want to do the same thing in Java code to build up my base classes.

sendGcmMessage() is being invoked as follows:

public void testGcmDownstreamMessage() {
    GcmDownstreamDto message = new GcmDownstreamDto().addRegistrationId("ABC");
    System.out.println("message = " + message);
    String response = NetCall.sendGcmMessage(message);
    System.out.println("Response: " + response);

All help appreciated.


  • Found out the problem: it's the way JacksonFactory().createJsonGenerator().searialize() works (I was expecting it to serialize the way ObjectMapper serializes). This is the code for JsonHttpContent.writeTo() (from in google-http-java-client):

    public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
        JsonGenerator generator = jsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(out, getCharset());

    The Jackson JsonGenerator expects a key-value pairing (represented in Java as Map) which is not obvious from the constructor signature of the JsonHttpContent constructor: JsonHttpContent(JsonFactory, Object).

    So if instead of passing a GcmDownstreamDto (as defined in the question, which is what would have worked with an ObjectMapper), I were to do the following:

    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
    List<String> idList = Arrays.asList("ABC");
    map.put("registration_ids", idList);

    everything works as expected and the output is:


    So just remember to pass the JsonHttpContent(JsonFactory, Object) constructor a Map<String, Object> as the second parameter, and everything will work as you would expect it to.