I want to use GeoMesa (GIS extension of Accumulo) and virtualized it using Docker just like this repo. Now I want to connect to the Accumulo instance using Java using:
Instance i = new ZooKeeperInstance("docker_instance",zkIP:port);
Connector conn = i.getConnector(user, new PasswordToken(password));
The connetion does not get established and hangs (just like in this question). I can connect to the ZooKeeper instance using using
./zkCli.sh -server ip:port
So i guess the instance_name is wrong. I used the one noted in the repo linked first. However I don't know where how to check the instance_name needed.
To make my problem reproducable I did setup a digital ocean server with all necessary dependencies and accumulo. I tested that the connection to zookeeper is possible using zkCli and checked the credentials using accumulo shell
on the server.
Instance i = new ZooKeeperInstance("DIGITAL_OCEAN","");
// WARN org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ClientConfiguration - Found no client.conf in default paths. Using default client configuration values.
System.out.println("This is reached");
Connector conn = i.getConnector("root", new PasswordToken("mypassw"));
System.out.println("This is not reached");
As a troubleshooting step, you may be able to extract the instance name by using HdfsZooInstance.getInstance().getInstanceName()
or by connecting directly to ZooKeeper and listing the instance names with ls /accumulo/instances/