I have the following CoffeeScript module named Course. I have a small piece of code which I would like to re-use, I have created a method called preSelectItemSize
I would like to call this method when init
is called and also within the afterShow
Fancybox callback. The following code works, but it don't believe it is correct to use the module name and I should be using the @
reference to "this" instead.
What am I doing wrong? (Code snippet reduced for brevity)
$ = window.jQuery = require("jquery")
Course =
init: ->
$('.js-product-overlay').on 'click', (e) =>
@viewProductClickHandler(e, MediaDetection)
viewProductClickHandler: (e, mediaDetection) =>
href: wishlist_overlay_href
maxWidth: '775px'
minHeight: '495px'
autoCenter: '!isTouch'
height: 'auto'
scrolling: true
fitToView: false
autoSize: false
padding: 0
closeBtn: '<a class="fancybox-item modal__close fancybox-close" href="javascript:;">Close</a>'
afterShow: ->
$('.js-fancybox-close').on 'click', (e) ->
preSelectItemSize: ->
itemId = $('.modal__product-info').attr('data-item-id')
$('#size-' + itemId).click()
module.exports = Course
The following works by changing the viewProductClickHandler
to a thin arrow and changing the afterShow
callback to a fat arrow:
Course =
init: ->
$('.js-product-overlay').on 'click', (e) =>
@viewProductClickHandler(e, MediaDetection)
viewProductClickHandler: (e, mediaDetection) ->
href: wishlist_overlay_href
maxWidth: '775px'
minHeight: '495px'
autoCenter: '!isTouch'
height: 'auto'
scrolling: true
fitToView: false
autoSize: false
padding: 0
closeBtn: '<a class="fancybox-item modal__close fancybox-close" href="javascript:;">Close</a>'
afterShow: =>
$('.js-fancybox-close').on 'click', (e) ->
preSelectItemSize: ->
alert "preSelectItemSize executed."
itemId = $('.modal__product-info').attr('data-item-id')
See fiddle for example of working code: https://jsfiddle.net/L5u31Lzr/1/