EDITED: It turned out it's a retina bug. Not replicable on other screens.
Referring Camanjs clear canvas when init Caman()? and posted there http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/R4kJM/ CamanJS should accept the canvas with data s argument. Ale documentation seemed to confirmed this fact. But somehow the fiddle is not working. The blue thing disappears once CamanJS initialize.
The code again: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/R4kJM/
<canvas id="original" width=100 height=100></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById("original");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// make a drawing on the original canvas
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.fillRect(20, 20, 60, 40);
// modify the original drawing
Caman("#original", function () {
It's the bug in CamanJS. The issue still and work around described here.