I'm writing some code to interact with an HP Helion Eucalyptus 4.2 cloud server. At the moment I'm using boto 2.38.0, but I discovered that also exists the boto3 version. Which version should I use in order to keep the code up with the times? I mean, It seems that boto3's proposal is a ground-up rewrite more focused on the "official" Amazon Web Services (AWS).
You can easilly use boto3. Here is the article clearly explaining that. I tried it myself with Eucalyptus 4.2.1. So I defined the config and credentials file.
$ cat .aws/config
[profile admin]
output = json
region = region1
$ cat .aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Then I used the interactive Ipython shell, so I listed my running instances.
In [1]: from boto3.session import Session
In [2]: session = Session(region_name='region1', profile_name="admin")
In [3]: client = session.client('ec2', endpoint_url='http://compute.region1.cloud.mydomain.net:8000/')
In [4]: for reservation in client.describe_instances()['Reservations']:
...: for instance in reservation['Instances']:
...: print instance['InstanceId']
I don't use verify argument in session.client(), because my testing EC2 endpoint doesn't use HTTPS but plain HTTP.