In my code, if I convert a string, for example
String str = ".12";
String str2 = "0.12"
to Bigdecimal, both gives me the output 0.12. My output requires me not to change the notation - is there a way I can have BigDecimal conversion from string in this case not add 0 to it for .12? I am okay when it keeps 0.12 to 0.12.
I just want the Bigdecimal to preserve the string input exactly the way it is, no adding of zeroes, no removing of zeroes.
I am doing this:
Bigdecimal bd = new Bigdecimal(str);
bd.toString() gives me 0.12
As you can read here the dot devides the IntegerPart from the FractionPart. So in your case the 0 is added as the IntegerPart because u only pass a fractionPart