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CXF 2.7.16: ClassFormatError: JVMCFRE114 field name is invalid; jaxws_asm

We upgrade CXF from v2.2.6 to v2.7.16. When we start IBM WebSphere Application Server v7.0.0.33 in Linux machine, error is reported for jaxws_asm/RetrieveRssFeedResponse:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassFormatError: JVMCFRE114 field name is invalid; class=com/abc/mobile/service/rss/jaxws_asm/RetrieveRssFeedResponse, offset=0
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassImpl(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at org.apache.cxf.common.util.ASMHelper$TypeHelperClassLoader.defineClass(
    at org.apache.cxf.common.util.ASMHelper.loadClass(
    at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.WrapperClassGenerator.createWrapperClass(

Here is our current understanding:

  • This error does not occur in local Windows machine WAS7.0.0.11
  • Class jaxws_asm.RetrieveRssFeedResponse does not exist at compile time. Instead, it's generated by CXF at runtime.
  • Our application code has Java package: com/abc/mobile/service/rss
  • Class WrapperClassGenerator in org.apache.cxf/cxf-bundle.jar/2.7.16 appends Java package “jaxws_asm” at line 160:

    String pkg = new StringBuilder().append(getPackageName(method)).append(".jaxws_asm").append(anonymous ? "_an" : "").toString();

  • Our application code has:

    @WebMethod(operationName = "retrieveRssFeed")

  • Class WrapperClassGenerator in org.apache.cxf/cxf-bundle.jar/2.7.16 appends class name “Response” at line 164:

    className = new StringBuilder().append(className).append("Response").toString();

  • We tried to add asm/asm.jar/3.3.1 to WEB-INF/lib or WAS7.0/java/jre/lib/ext. It did not help.

  • We have enabled class loading trace log by following IBM MustGather document:

Trace log shows that "jaxws.RetrieveRssFeedResponse" is being loaded:

[1/5/16 11:39:04:447 EST] 00000014 CompoundClass >  loadClass[PL][war:US-EAR/US.war] Entry
[1/5/16 11:39:04:447 EST] 00000014 CompoundClass >  loadClass[app:US-EAR] Entry
[1/5/16 11:39:04:448 EST] 00000014 CompoundClass <  loadClass failed Exit
[1/5/16 11:39:04:448 EST] 00000014 CompoundClass <  loadClass failed Exit

I have not found out why the above class loading trace log loads "jaxws.RetrieveRssFeedResponse". It's highly appreciated if anyone could share any clue about how to solve this ClassFormatError.


  • Thank you so much for your help. The issue has been solved by removing "[]" from @WebResult annotation. In other words, originally our application code has:

        @WebMethod(operationName = "retrieveRssFeed")
        @WebResult(name = "RssChannelDTO[]")

    The error is solved by changing it to:

        @WebMethod(operationName = "retrieveRssFeed")
        @WebResult(name = "RssChannelDTO")

    What we have done is:

    • Modify CXF/2.7.16/ defineClass() method to print the dynamically generated classes. Totally 302 classes have been printed out.

              System.out.println("***********ASMHelper.TypeHelperClassLoader.defineClass(): " + name.replace('/', '.'));
              try {
         fos = new'/', '.') + ".class");
              } catch ( ioe) {
    • Among all 302 generated classes, only RetrieveRssFeedResponse.class has "[]" in field name

              private RssChannelDTO[] RssChannelDTO[];
    • Modify CXF/2.7.16/ to add main method (because constructor of inner class TypeHelperClassLoader is private) to call loader.defineClass() method

    • After running main method, error is reported:

              Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal field name "RssChannelDTO[]" in class RetrieveRssFeedResponse
                  at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
                  at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
                  at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
                  at org.apache.cxf.common.util.ASMHelper$TypeHelperClassLoader.defineClass(
                  at org.apache.cxf.common.util.ASMHelper.main(
    • Then we modified our application code to remove "[]" from @WebResult annotation. The generated RetrieveRssFeedResponse.class has:

              private RssChannelDTO[] RssChannelDTO;

    Now error is gone and our WebSphere Application Server v7.0 can be started without any error.

    Regarding the IBM class loading trace log shows only "jaxws.RetrieveRssFeedResponse", I guess the situation is:

    • IBM logging statement might ignore "_" and anything after it during logging
    • But IBM class loader can still load "jaxws_asm.RetrieveRssFeedResponse"

    Anyway, this is only my guess and I have not checked any IBM source code.