hello.js http://pastebin.com/2frsHc9g hello.html http://pastebin.com/10EYyJ74
but i am not able to make it work
here is error i can see in console of web browser:
on rendered zavolana hello.js:9 ss [object Object] debug.js:41 Exception from Tracker afterFlush function: debug.js:41 TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of undefined at CanvasRenderer.registerBinding (infinitedg_cytoscape.js:17127) at CanvasRenderer.load (infinitedg_cytoscape.js:17283) at new CanvasRenderer (infinitedg_cytoscape.js:13419) at $$.fn.core.initRenderer (infinitedg_cytoscape.js:7527) at new $$.Core (infinitedg_cytoscape.js:6592) at Function.$$.init (infinitedg_cytoscape.js:75) at cytoscape (infinitedg_cytoscape.js:58) at HTMLDivElement. (infinitedg_cytoscape.js:2808) at Function.jQuery.extend.each (jquery.js:384) at jQuery.fn.jQuery.each (jquery.js:136)
do you have please some "hello world" of combination of cytoscape and meteor ?
problem was with wrong library installed via meteor
after i installed correct cytoscape library, it is working
correct is cytoscape:cytoscape
here is minimal and working example:
sit = "" //hlavni objekt
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.graf.rendered = function() {
// Meteor.defer(function() {
console.log("on rendered called");
//var divcy = $('#cy');
// console.log("ss " + divcy);
sit = cytoscape({
container: document.getElementById('cy'),
ready: function() {
console.log("network ready");
updateNetworkData(sit); // load data when cy is ready
style: cytoscape.stylesheet()
'content': function(e) {
return e.data("name")
'font-size': 12,
'text-valign': 'center',
'color': 'white',
'text-outline-width': 2,
'text-outline-color': function(e) {
return e.locked() ? "red" : "#888"
'min-zoomed-font-size': 8
// 'width': 'mapData(score, 0, 1, 20, 50)',
// 'height': 'mapData(score, 0, 1, 20, 50)'
'content': function(e) {
return e.data("name") ? e.data("name") : "";
'target-arrow-shape': 'triangle',
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function() {
// code to run on server at startup
function updateNetworkData(net) {
// init Data
var nodes = [{ // node a
group: 'nodes',
data: {
id: 'a',
}, { // node b
group: 'nodes',
data: {
id: 'b',
var edges = [{ // edge ab
group: 'edges',
data: {
id: 'ab',
source: 'a',
target: 'b'
net.elements().remove(); // make sure evything is clean
net.reset() // render layout
#cy {
width : 70vw;
height: 50vw;
position: absolute;
<h1>Welcome to Meteor!b</h1>
<template name="graf">
<div id="cy"></div>