I have paredit-forward
and paredit-backward
bound to > and < respectively.
This means if I want to type "something->something-else" I instead type "something-" the cursor is teleported to another part of the screen, and finish typing with "something-else".
My solution to this is to use C-.
and C-,
to insert them.
I tried this:
(define-key key-translation-map (kbd "C-.") (kbd ">"))
(define-key key-translation-map (kbd "C-,") (kbd "<"))
The previous command results in the another paredit-forward keybind because I am creating a keybind chain like so:
C-. → > → paredit-forward
Instead of
C-. → > → the "greater than" key is inserted into whatever text box I am in.
which is what I am looking for.
Keys are bound to commands. Commands are usually interactive functions, but can also be keyboard macros (in either string or vector format). Executing a keyboard macro causes Emacs to do the things which the macro's key sequences would cause to be done.
(kbd ">")
results in the keyboard macro ">"
; so you have told Emacs that when C-.
is typed, it should do the things which are done when >
is typed.
Normally (in most buffers) >
would be bound to self-insert-command
, and therefore the keyboard macro (kbd ">")
would simply insert a >
character, but you've modified that binding.
I believe you want to bind C-.
to a command which inserts a >
character. Such a command is:
(lambda () (interactive) (insert ">"))