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$scope.uiGrid is undefined

I'm trying to create a table using angularjs ui-grid but I keep getting told that $scope.uiGrid is undefined, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


        $scope.gridOptions = {
            enableSorting: true,
            columnDefs: [
            { field: 'name' },
            { field: 'company'  },
            { field: 'image', cellTemplate:"<img width=\"50px\" ng-src=\"{{grid.getCellValue(row, col)}}\" lazy-src>"}

            {name:obj.businesses[0].name,company: "Company1", image: obj.businesses[0].image_url},

console.log(obj.businesses[0].name) will put the right data to the console so it's not a problem with the obj variable. The code only breaks when it gets to gridOptions.


  • I don't know the exact details how the ui-grid works. But I'm guessing that the ui-grid directive immediately expects $scope.gridOptions to be available on the $scope. However, you are assigning $scope.gridOptions only after the asynchronous http request has finished loading.

    You should try to provide an empty (or adequately primed) $scope.gridOptions immediately before doing the http request.

    Alternatively there's a trick to delay linking of any directive by adding an additional ng-if on the same element. Set it up something like this:


    And inside the success() function just set $scope.whenHttpRequestHasFinishedLoading = true