Well I'm also new in VBA programming. I'm creating a form which helps me to do quotations, and then there is a part of my form that shows items I've already registered, like this:
So the purpose of those ComboBoxes is to change or delete the correponding item according with the option I choose, and I would have a lot of them in my UserForm, making it hard to create many ComboBox event programs (like ComboBox1_Change, ComboBox2_Change, ... ComboBox50_Change). And then, the main question is: how could I do it in VBA without loosing a lot of time making the same code for different objects? I would like to create just one code for all ComboBoxes.
I understand that I can do in this way below, but I'm sure that it has a better way to do.
Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Call myCode
End Sub
Sub ComboBox2_Change()
Call myCode
End Sub
Sub ComboBox50_Change()
Call MyCode
End Sub
Sub myCode()
For i=1 to 50
If Controls("ComboBox" & i).Value = "Change" Then
Call MySecondCode
End If
Next i
End Sub
I spent about 30 minutes searching about this question, but I didn't find anything good for me. I hope you guys understood my question. Thanks in advance.
Axel Richter, as I said in comments, I'm having problem in this:
Private Function isNOKTest()
If prod1.Value = "" Or _
prod2.Value = "" Or _
tecido.Value = "" Or _
tamanhos.Value = "" Or _
unitario.Value = "" Or _
quantidade.Value = "" Then
isNOKTest = True
End If
End Function
Private myCBsWithEvents As Collection
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set myCBsWithEvents = New Collection
For Each c In Me.Controls
If Left(c.Name, 8) = "ComboBox" Then
c.AddItem "CHANGE"
c.AddItem "DELETE"
Set myCBWithEvents = New clsCBWithEvents
Set myCBWithEvents.myCB = c
myCBsWithEvents.Add myCBWithEvents
End If
End Sub
'datatext.Value = Format(Now, "dd/mm/yyyy")
'bordadoqty.Value = 1
'estampaqty.Value = 1
'Itemlab.Caption = 1
When any code is added to the project, the event in class module doesn't work, apparently isn't linked with "Events", but I don't know what happened.
This can be achieved using a class module which handles the events.
Insert a class module in your project. Name it clsCBWithEvents
. In this class module have the following code:
Public WithEvents myCB As ComboBox
Private Sub myCB_Change()
If Me.myCB.Value = "Change" Then
MsgBox Me.myCB.Name & " has changed to ""Change"""
ElseIf Me.myCB.Value = "Delete" Then
MsgBox Me.myCB.Name & " has changed to ""Delete"""
End If
End Sub
In your user form have the following code:
Private myCBsWithEvents As Collection
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set myCBsWithEvents = New Collection
For Each c In Me.Controls
If TypeName(c) = "ComboBox" Then
c.AddItem "Change"
c.AddItem "Delete"
Set myCBWithEvents = New clsCBWithEvents
Set myCBWithEvents.myCB = c
myCBsWithEvents.Add myCBWithEvents
End If
End Sub
Now every ComboBox
in this user form will use this event handling.