I have a situation where one of my nested fields is being passed to parameters but is not being inserted into the table.
My model Company
has_one :incorporation
. Incorporation has, right now anyway, one field, nested into the Company
form as follows
<%= simple_form_for @company, url: url_for(action: @caction, controller: 'incorporations'), html: {id:"incorporationform"}, remote: false, update: { success: "response", failure: "error"} do |company| %>
<%= company.simple_fields_for :incorporation do |f| %>
<div class="padded-fields">
<div class="form_subsection">
<%= f.input :trademark_search, as: :radio_buttons, label: 'Would you like us to do a trademark search and provide advice regarding any issues we identify in relation to the name you have selected?', input_html: { class: 'form-control radio radio-false' } %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
The new
and create
methods in the controller are as follows
def new
@company = @user.companies.build
@incorporation = @company.build_incorporation
@action = "new"
@caction = "create"
def create
@company = current_user.companies.build(company_params)
@incorporation = @company.build_incorporation
if @company.save
current_user.companies << @company
if params[:final_submit]
redirect_to incorporations_index_path
redirect_to edit_incorporation_path(@incorporation), notice: "Successfuly saved incorporation info."
render 'new', notice: "Something went wrong; form unable to be saved."
The problem is that when I select one of the radio buttons in the simple fields, the log shows that the data is sent to the parameters:
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓",..., "company"=>{..."incorporation_attributes"=>{"trademark_search"=>"0"}},...}
But it is NOT being Inserted into the table. Instead, a new entry is inserted but only with the company_id
, id
, created_at
and updated_at
, all of which are perfectly accurate. There are no invalid parameter errors or anything like that.
My strong params look like this:
def company_params
params.require(:company).permit(:id, :name,...,incorporation_attributes: [:title, :trademark_search, :user_id, :employee_stock_options, :final_submit, :submit, :_destroy],...)
So somehow the parameters are not linking up with the table insertion (if that makes sense). What might be going on here?
Thanks for any ideas.
Ok, there are some missing code, but i think issue is here:
@company = current_user.companies.build(company_params)
@incorporation = @company.build_incorporation
In first line you create company model together with incorporation model (which is present in company_params). Second line however overrides your incorporation model with a new one without any data. Since incorporation belongs_to company
, the initial one with all the data is discarded.
Solution: remove the second line entirely and all will work.
You do not need this line:
current_user.companies << @company
has already been build on current_user.companies
scope, meaning that it already belongs to current_user
. This will not cause any visible bugs, it's just waste of time for the server.
You are also missing id
within incorporation_attributes
- that means you will never be able to update or delete the data via nesting attributes (and you have _destroy field, so I assume you would like to do this at some point).