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How do I install Susy in my Rails App?

So far in my Gemfile i included

# Gemfile gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0' gem 'susy'

# config/application.rb require 'susy'

I ran "bundle install" with no errors. Now i'm trying to write normal Susy and just set up the app:

$susy: ( columns: 12, /* we want our page to have 12 columns */ gutters: 3/4, /* space between columns with be 3/4 of a column */ math: fluid, output: float, gutter-position: inside, );

Now when i try and call Susy methods to set up columns, i'm getting errors! I tried a simple column on an element:

.example{ @include span(3 of 12) ;}

Any ideas? Am i missing something in the install process?


  • You'll need to @import 'susy'; somewhere in your Sass files, before you can call Susy methods.