I have a workflow class where I'm injecting several EJB's at the top of my class using the @EJB tag:
public class WorkflowBean {
private BeanOne beanOne;
private BeanTwo beanTwo;
private BeanThree beanThree;
private BeanFour beanFour;
private BeanFive beanFive;
private BeanSix beanSix;
Is there a better, more organized way of injecting these at the top of my code, maybe on one line somehow? The code works perfectly fine, but I think I am going to add a few more beans by the time the code is complete and I feel that it is starting to cause my code to look cluttered.
There's nothing inherently wrong with doing it that way, but it can get a bit cluttered.
If you could identify and group together behaviors based on business behavior, it might reduce the number of @EJB annotations. For instance, if beanOne, beanTwo, and beanThree all relate to user management, you could create a userManagement bean, inject them there, and then only inject the one userManagement bean in your workflow bean. It also might help with self-documentation a bit as well.
IMHO, your workflow bean should pretty much just be calling other beans that encapsulate the business logic, instead of trying to define it all here.