From this question I know how to disable mousewheel zoom in D3.js. How can I remap it to holding control button down plus mousewheel? Thanks.
I found a solution that does not need to modify the D3.js source.
I based my solution on this question: How to temporarily disable the zooming in d3.js
Instead of clicking on a button to enable/disable zooming, I used keydown/keyup events: = d3.behavior.zoom().on('zoom', redrawOnZoom)).on('dblclick.zoom', null);
var zooming = false;
function redrawOnZoom() {
if (zooming) {
svgContainer.attr('transform', 'translate(' + zoom.translate() + ')' + ' scale(' + zoom.scale() + ')');
};"body").on("keydown", function () {
zooming = d3.event.ctrlKey;
});"body").on("keyup", function () {
zooming = false;
Here is a complete fiddle: