I have created a toolbar and appended buttons to this imperatively (via JavaScript).
The buttons show fine, but the labels don't show. I must be missing something really simple, how do I get them to show up permanently ?
<div id="toolbarContainer1" style="direction: rtl"></div>
var dataArray = [
new WinJS.UI.Command(null, { id: 'cmdPin', label: 'pin', section: 'primary', type: 'button', icon: 'pin', onclick: clickbuttonprintout() }),
new WinJS.UI.Command(null, { id: 'cmdFullscreen', label: 'full screen', section: 'primary', type: 'button', icon: 'fullscreen', onclick: clickbuttonprintout() })
window.createImperativeToolBar = function () {
var tb = new WinJS.UI.ToolBar(document.querySelector("#toolbarContainer1"), {
data: new WinJS.Binding.List(dataArray)
createImperativeToolBar ();
Managed to solve this myself.
To show all labels on a certain toolbar, select the toolbar and set closedDisplayMode to full.
var toolbar1 = document.querySelector('#toolbar1');
toolbar1.winControl.closedDisplayMode = 'full';
Docs : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/dn996562.aspx