I'm using the tablesorter fork from Mottie. I am not very experienced with javascript, but so far I got everything to work. Here is the problem: NOW I want to have two buttons above my table to allow the download of either all rows or download just the selected rows.
For this I have the following javascript code which works partly. I just need to get it to work to download all(!) rows.
What I am doing wrong ?
Here is the portion which outputs all:
var $table = $('.tablesorter');
wo = $table[0].config.widgetOptions,
saved = $table.find('.output-filter-all :checked').attr('class');
wo.output_includeHTML = false;
wo.output_delivery = 'p';
// d = download p = page
wo.output_saveRows ='a';
// a = all f=filtered
return false;
This works very well including the setting of all the other output options. The following code does exactly the same thing, but I want, of course, just the selected rows.
var $table = $('.tablesorter');
wo = $table[0].config.widgetOptions,
saved = $table.find('.output-filter-all :checked').attr('class');
wo.output_includeHTML = false;
wo.output_delivery = 'p';
// d = download p = page
wo.output_saveRows = saved;
// a = all f=filtered
return false;
I've tried various things but with no luck.
Well I just overlooked that the class name '.saved' is of course not correct. At the end Mottie pointed me to the right direction. Here is the solution to my original question just use the correct class name .checked and everthing works as expected.:
var $this =$('#table');
var $table = $('.tablesorter');
wo = $table[0].config.widgetOptions,
wo.output_includeHTML = false;
wo.output_delivery = 'p';
// d = download p = page
//saved = '.checked';
// a = all f=filtered
wo.output_saveRows = '.checked';
return false;